Films of Future Past is a series of 12 illustrated film posters taking a satirical look at socio-political issues. By examining these from the perspective of the Past, Present and Future, we can see the changes in how they are portrayed – and society’s perspective with it. 
Character vs. Self
Character vs. Self explores depictions of Mental Illness, from its earliest associations with inhuman violence to the emergence of a more empathetic perspective.
Character vs. technology
Character vs. Technology investigates the shift in society’s fear of tech – from the apocalyptic obsession of Y2K to the age of Social Media.
Character vs. Nature
Character vs. Nature looks at the shift in society's perspective towards natural disasters, going from an exciting escapist fantasy to an inevitable reality as the world continues to warm.
Character vs. Character
Character vs. Character examines the legacy of toxic masculinity in film, and how violent fantasies can bleed into our everyday lives.
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